Parent Info

School Information & Policies

For PLHS Parent/Caregivers

Absences & Attendance

Compulsory enrolment and attendance at school:

The South Australian Government has identified improved attendance as a priority for the Department for Education (DfE). A child who is between 6 and 17 years must be enrolled and attend school regularly, unless the Minister has granted an exemption from school. Under the Education Act of South Australia, parents and/or caregivers are held responsible for the regular attendance of all children in their care. DfE therefore has a legal responsibility to record and monitor attendance and take appropriate action to rectify problems of non-attendance.

Acceptable reasons for student absences:

  • Alternate program of study or work (arranged with/by the school)
  • Illness (including travel for surgery)
  • Family reasons (funerals, unavoidable family travel)

Please inform the school of any absences via one of the following methods:

NOTE: For absences of three days or more, an Exemption Form is required; these are available from our Front Office

Assessment & Reporting

Assessment and reporting at PLHS provides students and families with timely and effective feedback supported by learning evidence, which enables the targeted growth of all individuals. It is an inclusive, constructive and authentic acknowledgement of individual achievement, where students are empowered to take responsibility for their own learning and growth.

The following grades may appear on a student’s report:


  • A: Demonstrating excellent achievement of what is expected at this year level
  • B: Demonstrating good achievement of what is expected at this year level
  • C: Demonstrating satisfactory achievement of what is expected at this year level
  • D: Demonstrating partial achievement of what is expected at this year level
  • E: Demonstrating minimal achievement of what is expected at this year level
  • NA: Subject not assessed with a grade or result


Students are graded in each subject area using Performance Standards from A to E; other results include:

  • P: Pending – the allocation of a result is pending the completion of further work (in English, Mathematics and EIF subjects only)
  • N: No Result – insufficient evidence of learning to meet an E grade; no SACE credits awarded


Students are graded in each subject area using Performance Standards from A+ through to E–

POSITIVE LEARNING ELEMENTS (Organised for Learning, Persists to Improve, Works Independently, Acts Responsibly):

  • Excellent
  • Competent
  • Developing
  • Not Assessed


  • Ex: Excellent
  • G: Good
  • S: Satisfactory
  • P: Partial
  • M: Minimal


  • WB: Working Beyond
  • AC: Achieved
  • WT: Working Towards


Traffic light reports are published once a term; they are used to provide students and parents an indication of current academic progress:

  • RED: The student is not performing to expectations and intervention is required.
  • AMBER: The teacher has some concerns regarding student progress in the subject and will keep monitoring
  • GREEN: The student is performing well in this subject

<< Download PLHS Assessment & Reporting Policy >>

BRIDGE (Better Behaviour Centre)

  • BRIDGE (Better Behaviour Centre) provides a temporary learning environment for Year 8-10 students as an intervention for those who experience challenges within the mainstream
  • there is a strong focus on literacy, numeracy and skills for living; practical learning activities are also available; students are encouraged to participate in community projects and activities
  • participants negotiate individual learning programs and develop a behaviour and learning contract; this is reviewed weekly
  • there is a strong emphasis on families and school staff working together to improve school attendance
  • entry to the program is by application or referral from the Middle School Assistant Principal for consideration by a review panel

Bus Service

  • the local school bus service is managed by Port Lincoln Primary School
  • please direct enquiries to them on (08) 8682-1544


The Clontarf Foundation exists to improve the education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem and employment prospects of young Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander men. The Foundation uses a unique, innovative and highly successful approach; using the existing passion that these boys have for sport allows Clontarf to initially attract them to school, and then keep them coming. It is not a sporting program however – it develops the values, skills and abilities that will assist the boys to transition into meaningful employment and achieve better life outcomes.

The Foundation collaborates with schools and communities to create Clontarf Academies that are embedded within the school grounds and education program. Full-time, locally-based Clontarf staff mentor and counsel students on a range of behavioural and lifestyle issues while the school caters for their education needs. Any Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander male enrolled at the school is eligible to participate in the Academy.

Through the use of supportive relationships and environment, the students develop improved self-esteem and confidence which enables them to participate in education, employment and society in a positive way. Academy activities are planned within the focus areas of education, leadership, employment, well-being, life skills and sport. In order to remain in the programme, participants must continue to work at school and embrace the objectives of the Foundation.

This approach has been very successful, not only in attracting and retaining young men to school, but also in having them embrace more disciplined, purposeful and healthy lifestyles.

CONNECTED: Community Approach to Bullying Prevention


Daymap is our school’s learner management system. PLHS parents are urged to download the free Daymap mobile app (both Apple and Android versions are available) in order to see a range of information pertaining to their student(s), including:

  • attendance & timetable
  • reports & assessment results
  • student records & notes
  • calendars & events
  • messages to/from school

<< Download “Daymap Mobile App for Parents” instruction guide >>

<< Download “Daymap Connect – Parent Guide instruction guide >>

Dharna Groups

Dharna is the Barngala word meaning strong. At PLHS we value the relationships between students and teachers and teachers and families. Dharna is a time everyday that a small group of students (max 15) spend with their Dharna group teacher to foster these relationships. 10 mins in the morning per day with the exception of an extended time on Wednesdays that goes for 40 mins. Your student’s Dharna group teacher should be the first point of contact for everything from attendance to excursions.

Dress Code / School Uniform

<< Download PLHS Dress Code / School Uniform Policy >>

Port Lincoln High School has a colour-coded, flexible, safe and economic school uniform. The school’s Governing Council and staff endorse the importance of students being easily identified. It is the responsibility of staff to maintain a duty of care for the protection of all students; this involves the identification of non-students on school grounds, monitoring student uniforms and notifying parents/caregivers when the policy is not adhered to.

Students are required to wear a neat, clean school uniform each day. Parent/caregivers are asked to provide an explanatory note if their student is unavoidably out of uniform. Consequences apply for non-compliance.

PLHS uniform garments are available from Student Services (anytime during school hours for parent/caregivers, during recess and lunchtime for students). Other generic items (e.g. plain grey, white or navy polo tops, navy or grey pants/trackpants) can be purchased from a number of local retail outlets.

Current Prices:

  • Polo Top ($35)
  • Rugby Top ($65)
  • Jacket ($70)
  • Shorts ($25)
  • Trackpants ($30)


Enrolment & Intention to enrol at PLHS

Please contact Rachael Boyce on (08) 8683-6000 or at to discuss enrolment at Port Lincoln High School or to request a PLHS Enrolment Pack.

Expectations of Students

Student Expectations

This Agreement & Permissions is valid for the duration of your student’s enrolment
At our school we aim to:
• Create a safe, caring, orderly and productive learning community, supported by our Dharna Groups.
• Provide students with opportunities to experience success through a range of student pathways.

To achieve these goals we expect students will:

ATTENDANCE: Be punctual | Explain absences

DRESS CODE / UNIFORM: Be dressed neatly and in school uniform | Be dressed appropriately in specialist subject areas

COMMUNICATION: Communicate with students, staff and visitors using a respectful tone | Follow reasonable requests

LEARNING: Come to lessons prepared | Participate in learning programs

MOVEMENT: Move in a safe manner in classrooms, corridors and around school building

SAFETY: Keep our environment alcohol and drug free

RELATIONSHIPS: Keep our environment free of aggression, violence and harassment

RESPECT FOR PROPERTY: Keep environment free of graffiti, vandalism and theft

Lesson Timetable (School Day)


On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays:

School day commences at 8:40am (staff on Yard Duty from 8:20am)
Dharna Group (pastoral care) runs from 8:40am to 8:50am
Lesson 1 runs from 8:50am to 9:40am
Lesson 2 runs from 9:40am to 10:30am
Recess runs from 10:30am to 10:50am
Lesson 3 runs from 10:50am to 11:40am
Lesson 4 runs from 11:40am to 12:50pm
Lunch runs from 12:50pm to 1:30pm
Lesson 5 runs from 1:30pm to 2:20pm
Lesson 6 runs from 2:20pm to 3:10pm
School day concludes at 3:10pm (staff on Yard Duty until 3:30pm)

On Wednesdays:

School day commences at 8:40am (staff on Yard Duty from 8:20am)
Dharna Group (pastoral care) runs from 8:40am to 9:20am
Lesson 1 runs from 9:20am to 10:30am
Recess runs from 10:30am to 10:50am
Lesson 2 runs from 10:50am to 11:40am
Lesson 3 runs from 11:40am to 12:50pm
Lunch runs from 12:50pm to 1:30pm
Lesson 5 runs from 1:30pm to 2:40pm
School day concludes at 2:40pm (staff on Yard Duty until 3:00pm)
Staff undertake Professional Learning from 2:45pm to 4:30pm

Mobile Phone Policy

Network & Internet Policy

<< Download PLHS Network & Internet Policy >>

Network & Internet Acceptable Use Agreement:

  • this document provides the rules for student use of the school’s Information & Communication Technology (ICT) systems
  • the use of computers at PLHS is provided for education purposes only
  • your/student agreement to this policy is valid for the duration of the student’s enrolment


Publication of Student's photo Policy

Permission to use likeness, image, voice, performance and/or creative work of students and children.

The Department for Education (DfE) develops teaching, learning and promotional materials and publishes
them in print and digitally. Increasingly students are publishing their own materials on websites such as
the school website, DfE website, Scootle™ YOUTUBE and iTunes™ or other online environments.

Request for Permission

he DfE seeks permission to use the following:

  • media (photo/film/audio recording) in which your child appears
  • a written comment made by your child
  • your child’s work samples (for example, a painting, written work, podcasts)

Granting Permission

By completing and returning this permission form, you are granting permission for the DfE to use:

  • an image or recording of your child which appears in a photo, film and/or audio recording to publish
  • on paper and/or on websites under a CC-BY -NC licence*
  • your child’s work samples on paper and/or on websites under a CC-BY-NC licence*
  • an image or recording of your child which may identify your child by first name and/or school only
  • work samples created by your child without identifying your child – or identifying your child by first
    name and/or school only.

Your/Student agreement to this Policy is valid for the duration of the student’s enrolment.


School Canteen

Please find an updated version of our Canteen menu attached. It includes the Daily Specials, which can be ordered via the Qkr! app before 9am on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays – stay tuned for an exciting announcement regarding Wednesdays…
You can download a PDF copy of the menu here: CANTEEN MENU & DAILY SPECIALS – Feb ’24

Student Health & Medication Policy

Our Commitment
Our school is committed to the health and wellbeing of all students and staff. Therefore student health care plans are required for students who have a health condition diagnosed by a medical practitioner. Health care plans are required to be updated annually, or the school notified if the health care plan is no longer required.
We acknowledge that parents/ guardians retain primary responsibility for their student’s health care. This includes responsibility for providing accurate, up-to-date relevant information for staff regarding student’s routine and emergency health care needs. Students will be supported to develop safe, self-management of their health care needs.
For example, health care plans are required for; epilepsy and seizure, asthma, diabetes, anaphylaxis and cystic fibrosis.
Students and parents are encouraged to discuss health support and medication management, confidentially, with the Assistant Principal at the enrolment meeting.
What the school needs to know:
If a student needs to take medication during school hours the school must be informed. Students cannot take any medication at school without a medication authority form or a signed letter by a doctor. This applies for:

  • Prescriptions drugs
  • Any over the counter medicines
  • Ointments
  • Alternative therapies
  • Vitamins and minerals
  • Food supplements










Seizure-Management Plan


Student Medical Form

Student Wellbeing & Support Services

Information currently being updated

School Chaplaincy Service

Information currently being updated

Transition Learning Centre

Students from the school can enrol in the Transition Learning Centre which provides a pathway for student learning through individual programs, TAFE access or negotiated courses. The centre is off-site and a number of students complete subjects at both places. Entry in the TLC program is negotiated through the school and the centre. For more information see the TLC Guide or contact the School on 8683 6000.

Use of Projectiles in PE, Standards & Sports Day

Our students may be involved in athletic programs including the use of projectiles throughout their school in PE lesson times or during sporting events such as Standards & Sports Days, i.e. the use of projectiles such as Javelin, Shot Put or Discus for educational purposes.

These are category 2 activities requiring parent/guardian consent. Be assured PLHS staff follow all safety procedures when doing any activities involving projectiles.

Consent is required on the Parent & Student agreement form at the enrolment process. All agreements/permissions are valid for the student’s entire enrolment at PLHS.

2024 School Term Dates

2024 Start of Term End of Term
Term 1 29th January 12th April
Term 2 29th April 6th July
Term 3 22nd July 27th September
Term 4 14th October 13th December

The Enrolment Process


Arrange an Enrolment meeting

Phone the school on (08) 8683-6000; we will direct you a Leadership staff member to discuss your student’s education needs.


Enrolment Meeting

You can have a face-to-face meeting with relevant staff to ensure a smooth transition from your student’s old school to ours.


School Uniform & Stationery

Meet our friendly Student Services staff, who will assist you with school uniform, subject timetable and directions to class locations.


Confirm Subject Choices

A Leadership team member will assist you and your student with available subject choices and potential career pathways.


Meet Dharna Group Teacher

On arrival, you will meet your student’s Dharna Group teacher; this staff member should be your first point of contact for everything from attendance to excursions.


Day One

When you commence, come along to the Front Office and meet Leadership staff who will introduce your student to their Dharna Group teacher.

School Governing Council

Port Lincoln High School’s Governing Council works together with the Principal and staff to set broad directions and visions for the school. It provides a wonderful opportunity for parents to be kept informed of the school’s developments, improvements and subject choices.

Governing Council provides a focus and forum for the direct involvement of parents and the school community, and identifies the attitude and educational needs of the local community to inform developments within the school. This group also has the important job of ensuring that the cultural and social diversity of the school community is considered, and that the needs of all student groups are appropriately identified.

Please direct any Governing Council matters to Rachael Boyce in the School’s Front Office via phone 8683-6000 or email

Parents / Caregivers


Port Lincoln High School provides an online management system for parent/caregivers to view their student’s timetable, check their attendance, access reports and contact teachers with any queries or concerns.