School Life

Student Life @ PLHS

This unique film sees six PLHS students starting their day, arriving via a different entrance or method before engaging in assorted facilities and programs around the campus.

Parent Info

Port Lincoln High School School

We use a variety of communication strategies to keep our parents well informed; these include our online parent portal, SEQTA Engage (attendance, assessment, messaging etc.)

Curriculum / Programs

Our broad and inclusive range of subject offerings & special interest programs cater for a variety of post-schooling alternatives, from tertiary education to trade/employment.

Daymap - online access

Day Map for Parents
Day Map for Parents
Day Map for Parents

Intention to Enrol

We have been serving the local community since 1923 by catering to the needs of individual students in a safe and engaging educational environment.

We provide students with an education and experiences that set them up for success in their chosen pathway; we encourage them to discover a field they are passionate about and dare to lead it.

PLHS $15M Redevelopment

This fly-through animation (by architects RUSSELL and YELLAND) depicts the major redevelopment currently underway in the tp half of our campus; it includes our new Year 7 Block in readiness for 2022.