Child Studies Class Cooks with JP Kids

Our Stage 2 Child Studies class conducted their first practical assessment yesterday; the task involved maintaining a safe kitchen environment and encouraging healthy eating with a junior primary student.

Initial preparations included creating a well-considered action plan, deciding upon an appropriate dish and shopping for all the ingredients required. We were then privileged to have Mrs. Tara Reincke’s Year 2 class from Port Lincoln Junior Primary School join us for our cooking practical, which saw each Year 12 student partner with a Year 2 to create an amazing, healthy dish.

The assessment for this project will be completed with an evaluation of the cooking practical. Students will consider and document their own performance, the decisions they made, where improvements could be made and the overall outcome.

As these photos demonstrate, much fun was had by all involved; we offer our sincere thanks to the Junior Primary students for their wonderful participation in our assignment.

~ Ms Shannon Nagel (Child Studies Teacher)

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