Governing Council Community Voice: Feb 2022

Dear PLHS families,

From the Governing Council, a sincere welcome to the start of the school year. For many, this will be the beginning of your child’s secondary education, and for others, a return and continuation of their journey.

You may have already met some of the Governing Council members who were present during the school’s Open Days. It was beaut to say hello and welcome you to your school.

For those we missed, a few words about the Port Lincoln High School Governing Council. In a nutshell, we are group of parents and community members who work in team with the school’s student and staff leaders. Our goal is to represent all families and students and to work together to support the good work of the school in its provision of a quality education and a stimulating, safe and inclusive environment. We want students to be motivated to do their best and aspire to a future of opportunity and continued learning.

As your eyes, ears and voice, we rely on you to keep us informed about the things that are important to you for your child’s success. In return, we channel this to your school and work with leaders to make things happen for your children. Sometimes, when appropriate, we will also take the school community’s needs, ideas or concerns to the Department for Education and SA Government. At the end of the day, we want our school to be the best it can be.

How can you support your Governing Council?

  • Stay informed; your Governing Council regularly publishes school community news and the minutes of meetings.
  • Respond; from time to time, we may directly seek your opinions and feedback via surveys; please take a few minutes to share your thoughts.
  • Attend meetings, workshops, or events of interest; meetings are our way of connecting and keeping us on track to serve families and work with the school.
  • Join the Governing Council; our strength comes from participation; although you can nominate at any time to join, a good time to do this is to come along to the first meeting of the year and sample.
  • Register to be included on the Parent & Community Reference Group; on occasions, the Governing Council will contact members of this group to capture their opinions and thoughts for consideration at meetings; this helps those people who want to be heard and are unable to attend meetings.
  • Contact us at any time; we are here to listen and represent you.

We are looking forward to another purposeful year of achievement and the opportunity to work together for our families and community.

Kind regards,

Brian Gabb, on behalf of the Port Lincoln High School Governing Council

PLHS Governing Council Meeting Dates for 2022:

  • Term 1: Wednesday Feb 23rd (AGM/first meeting) & Wednesday March 23rd
  • Term 2: Wednesday May 11th & Wednesday June 22nd
  • Term 3: Wednesday August 10th & Wednesday September 7th
  • Term 4: Wednesday October 26th & Wednesday November 23rd