GC Community Voice – Edition #1 (Feb)

Hi all,

Community Voice is the Governing Council’s way of keeping connected with you, the parents, friends, and community members of Port Lincoln High School.  Community Voice is published twice per term following each GC meeting.

Last year, the school celebrated its centenary of service to youth and community.  This year, we look forward to building on the opportunities presenting in this first year of the next one hundred years of Port Lincoln High School’s journey.

The school year is already humming along with a larger than anticipated enrolment of new students.  During our first meeting and AGM, we welcomed three new parent and community members to the GC team – Jade, Lesley and Dave.  We also met the new Principal Student Leaders, Prapti and Dre; it is great to have them on board.  We are looking forward to representing community voice by working with the school team in the interests of all students.

Our newly appointed Principal Mr. Craig Akehurst opened the meeting with an important conversation about the meaning of success for all students.  As a school leader and parent of children from the public education community, Craig spoke about the importance of valuing student growth as a signpost for success, and developing each student’s understanding and ownership of how they achieve their personal growth. Recognising and using these success processes and tools is part of “cracking the code” for lifelong learning and successful participation in an equitable and democratic society.

Try it out at home with your own children.  Ask about what they have experienced and discovered today, and importantly, what actions they took to participate and learn.  Ask how they could repeat these success actions to learn something new and challenging.

At last week’s meeting, the Governing Council:

  • supported the work of Principal Student Leader Dre Vlassco to research and incorporate Indigenous artwork and language as part of the proposed PLHS staff polo shirts
  • agreed to support and seek funding to develop lunchtime activities and outdoor play equipment to cater for the social and wellbeing needs of our Year 7 and 8 students
  • acknowledged the value of open nights for families and community members to visit the school and experience the array of learning stations and facilities, meet with teachers and leaders, and enjoy the community feel; please keep an ear out for details of an upcoming (mid-March) open night
  • valued the opportunity to learn about the school’s learning and teaching by continuing the program of spotlight speakers (students, staff, and community)
  • affirmed the importance of staff professional learning and accordingly sanctioned two student free days for this purpose – Thursday March 28th (Daymap) and Tuesday June 11th (Trauma Awareness)
  • acknowledged the good work of Business Manager Brigette Clements and moved the financial statements and auditor’s report
  • reminded families that school fees are due and that every full-time student will receive a $100 rebate bringing the annual fee to $300/student

Finishing with a reminder that Governing Council meets twice per term; meetings are open to our school community. Come along – a student’s journey is a partnership with family and school.

Next meeting: Wednesday March 20th (from 6:30pm in the Specialist Centre)

~ Brian Gabb for PLHS Governing Council