Year 9’s “EXPLORE” Potential Careers & Pathways

Yesterday, our Year 9 students were afforded the valuable opportunity to explore potential career and further education/training pathways. Seventeen different sessions were on offer throughout the day at various locations around town – we sincerely thank the providers listed below for sharing their facilities and expertise with our students.

This initiative was part of the three-day “EXPLORE Career and Industry Immersion Event, which includes a career expo at the Port Lincoln Hotel later today (3:30~6:30pm).

The feedback from yesterday’s career day has been extremely positive – our participating students greatly valued the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of work and commence the process of planning for life beyond school, whilst the supervising teachers were impressed by the conduct and engagement levels of the students in their care. We hope to build upon the success of this program in future years.

Congratulations to all involved – a special mention must go to PLHS Student Pathways Leader Mr. Jake Stoll for his tireless efforts in coordinating and facilitating our participation.


  • Agriculture (Viterra)
  • Allied Health (UniSA)
  • Banking (Bendigo Bank)
  • Beauty (Seishin Spa)
  • Community & Aged Care (Pioneer Village)
  • Cookery (TAFE SA)
  • Early Childhood Education & Care (TAFE SA)
  • Emergency Services (CFS & SAPOL)
  • Fishing (Australian Maritime & Fisheries Academy)
  • Food & Hospitality (Port Lincoln Hotel)
  • Game Design (Academy of Interactive Education)
  • Health (Country & Outback Health)
  • My Career Match (UniSA)
  • Photography (Doddlife Photography)
  • Primary Industries (Regional Skills Training)
  • School-based Traineeships & Apprenticeships (Career Employment Group)
  • STEM (UniSA)

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