Troubleshooting “Daymap Connect” Issues

Good morning PLHS Parents/Carers,

Thank you for attempting to sign into our new parent portal “Daymap Connect” last evening – it was great to hear that many of you completed the process easily.

However, we are aware that this was not the case for several parents – we are attempting to resolve the following issues this morning:

NO EMAIL: if you can’t see it in your Inbox, please check your Junk/Spam folder; if you definitely did not receive the email, it is likely because we don’t have your current email address on file – please phone the school’s Front Office staff ASAP on 8683-6000 to provide it

USERNAMES: your username can be either your school-registered email address or the unique Daymap account code (one capital letter followed by ten digits) that is listed in the email

ALL STUDENTS NOT APPEARING: Some parents managed to sign in successfully, only to find that one or more of their children were missing from their Daymap profile –this is the result of conflicting or missing emails on file in our school records; again, the solution here is to please phone the school’s Front Office staff ASAP on 8683-6000

We really appreciate your patience as we navigate these teething problems with our new system – our Front Office are standing by to receive your call.