Korfball Contest Kicks Off PE Week 2021

In recent years, Week 5 in Term 4 has become PE Week – to kick off this year’s event in the Gym at lunchtime, Mr Boyd West’s Stage 1 (Year 11) PE class took on the staff in a fast-paced and friendly game of korfball.

The Dutch game of korfball is similar to netball and basketball, with two teams of eight players (each comprising four male and four female competitors), trying to score by throwing the ball into a basket mounted on a 3.5m high pole.

The remaining PE Week activities are as follows:

  • Tuesday: Inclusive games (four-square etc.) during lunch on School Lane and the Hockey Field
  • Wednesday: Dharna Group games on the Oval (all grades) followed by the Colour Run after lunch – remember, this day has a dress-up theme (sporting icons)
  • Thursday: Staff vs SRC dodgeball during lunch in the Gym
  • Friday: Basketball competition during lunch on the courts and in the Gym (all students welcome)