Chief Justice Chris Kourakis Returns to PLHS

L-R: Denise Sadiwa, Chris Kourakis & Nathaniel Hirschausen-Burk

A few moments ago, Port Lincoln High School was privileged to receive a visit from one of our most distinguished alumni. The Honourable Chris Kourakis is South Australia’s Chief Justice of the Supreme Court – he is also an ex-PLHS student, graduating with the Class of 1975.

Chris is our guest of honour across this “Centenary Celebration Weekend”; accordingly, he will attend our celebratory events and deliver the keynote address at Sunday night’s (sold out) “Centenary Celebration” function at the Port Lincoln Hotel.

After meeting with PLHS Principal Mr. Todd George, Chris was good enough to find the time to address our senior students assembled in the Amphitheatre – he spoke fondly about his upbringing here in Port Lincoln, outlined the positive impact that his PLHS education has had on his life, and explained his role as Chief Justice. He even answered some thought-provoking questions from our students, (and one from Archer Appleton!). Most importantly, Chris reiterated to our students that their Port Lincoln High School experience will stand them in good stead for the future.

We thank Chris for his valuable time and his words of wisdom; we look forward to his company throughout the rest of our “Centenary Celebration Weekend”.

Non Nobis Solum

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