Alcohol/Drug Education Seminars for PLHS Students

Earlier this week, PLHS students attended an “Alcohol and Other Drug Education” seminar facilitated by Sondra from Encounter Youth. Over two days, Sondra delivered separate age-appropriate sessions to all six of our year levels, plus a parent/community presentation on Tuesday evening.

Since 2000, Encounter Youth has strived to alert, inform and empower young people to bring about safer, more meaningful celebration. They adopt a harm minimisation approach and encourage students to ‘look after themselves and their mates’. Their program (which now includes content related to vaping) aims to reduce and prevent alcohol and other drug-related harm among young people. They are the largest provider of drug education to South Australian secondary students, reaching over 30,000 young people, parents and teachers last year.

We thank Sondra for her time and expertise.

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