100% SACE Completion at PLHS in 2022!

The Port Lincoln High School community would like to congratulate our 2022 SACE completers; of 82 potential candidates at PLHS this year, 100% achieved their SACE via a variety of completion pathways.

68% of these students completed some VET as a part of their SACE completion pathway; they include Peter Kapnistis, who completed training towards a Certificate III in IT (Technical Support/Networking Essentials) as well as excelling in the SACE subjects Visual Arts – Design and Business Innovations, achieving A’s in both, and obtaining an ATAR of 86.35.

In total, 32% of students chose a pathway which generated an ATAR, with several acquiring a score above 80. Mitchell Paterson (87.2) recorded the highest ATAR of the cohort, after excelling in Integrated Learning (Sport, Club and Community) with an A+ grade, as well as a solid A in Visual Arts – Design. Nell Cane and Peter Kapnistis (86.35), Zoe Proude (85.55), Chloe Poel (83.15) and Liela Phillips (82.00) rounded out the group of highest ranking students.

This year, 24 of the SACE completers chose to complete their studies via the Flexible Learning Options available through our Port Lincoln High School Transition & Learning Centre.

Congratulations again to the “Class of 2022” and their families on these wonderful outcomes.

~ Miss Bambi Britten (Assistant Principal: Senior School)

Top row (L-R): Mitchell Paterson, Nell Cane & Peter Kapnistis
Bottom row (L-R): Zoe Proude, Chloe Poel & Liela Phillips

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