Port Lincoln High School

Stage 1 Physics B

Further enquiries:

  • Students: Speak to your Dharna Group teacher or the relevant subject teacher
  • Families: Please contact the Senior School Assistant Principal via Direqt message
  • Phone PLHS on 8683-6000

Length: Semester

Recommended background: It is strongly recommended that students have successfully completed Stage 1 Physics A


The topics in Stage 1 Physics B (10 credits) provide the framework for developing integrated programs of learning through which students extend their skills, knowledge, and understanding of the three strands of science. The three strands of science to be integrated throughout student learning are:

  • science inquiry skills
  • science as a human endeavour
  • science understanding

The topics for Stage 1 Physics B are:

  • Topic 4: Energy and momentum
  • Topic 5: Waves
  • Topic 6: Nuclear models and radioactivity

Leads to: Stage 2 Physics, Engineering, Physical Sciences


Student performance will be determined according to the subject’s Performance Standards as described in the Subject Outline. Grades A to E will be used for reporting purposes. The following assessment types enable students to demonstrate their learning in Stage 1 Physics A:

  • Assessment Type 1: Investigations Folio
  • Assessment Type 2: Skills and Applications Tasks

Students complete:

  • at least one practical investigation
  • one investigation with a focus on science as a human endeavour
  • at least one skills and applications task
  • one end-of-semester exam

At least one assessment should involve collaborative work.