Port Lincoln High School

Stage 1 Business Innovation

Further enquiries:

  • Students: Speak to your Dharna Group teacher or the relevant subject teacher
  • Families: Please contact the Senior School Assistant Principal via Direqt message
  • Phone PLHS on 8683-6000

Length: Semester

Recommended background: Successful completion of Year 10 Business Innovation


In Stage 1 Business Innovation, students begin to develop the knowledge, skills, and understandings to engage in business contexts in the modern world. In a time when design-led companies outperform other companies, students are immersed in the process of finding and solving customer problems or needs through design thinking and using assumption-based planning tools. The customer is at the centre of the innovation process and the generation of viable business products, services, and processes.

Integral to learning through finding and solving complex, dynamic, real-world problems is the opportunity for students to work collaboratively. Working together, students are encouraged to build up ideas. Students consider the opportunities and challenges associated with start-up and existing businesses in the modern, connected world. They consider how digital and emerging technologies may present opportunities to enhance business models and analyse the responsibilities and impacts of proposed business models on global and local communities.


Student performance will be determined according to the subject’s Performance Standards as described in the Subject Outline. Grades A to E will be used for reporting purposes.

  • Assessment Type 1:  Business Skills (70 %): Task 1 – Identifying customer problems and generating possible solutions, Task 2 – Business 30-day plan, Task 3 – Business Model Summary
  • Assessment Type 2:  Business Pitch (30 %): Pitch, Evaluation