Year 12 Trial Exams Scheduled for Week 7

Year 12 students will participate in trial exams for Stage 2 examinable subjects during Week 7 of this term (Monday September 2nd ~ Thursday September 5th).

Exams will be held from 8:40~10:40am on those four days at the Port Lincoln Hotel. Students and families and asked to arrange transportation to and from each exam that they are enrolled in. Students are required to be in school uniform and present no later than 8:30am.

During Week 7, regular lessons will start later for Year 12 students; normal timetabled classes will commence after Recess.


  • exams are held at the Port Lincoln Hotel from Monday to Thursday in Week 7
  • you should arrive before 8:30am and be prepared to enter the exam room at 8:40am
  • you are expected to attend all of your exams
  • you are expected to wear school uniform
  • you are required to bring your own (school-borrowed) fully-charged laptop to electronic exams
  • you are only required to attend your normal timetabled lessons from after Recess on these days (i.e. your school day starts later)
  • there will be no timetabled classes before Recess on these days, however you may choose to access the Supervised Study space at school
  • if you are involved, the Flinders Uni Test will be held in the Senior Physics Lab from 1:30pm on the Monday

~ Miss Bambi Britten (Senior School Assistant Principal / SACE Coordinator)