Success for Students in Carpentry & Cookery

This week, several students from PLHS (and other EP schools) have been involved in WorldSkills Australia competitions – these challenges are designed to enable young people who are completing Certificate courses to showcase their trade skills and talents. We had two areas – Carpentry and Cookery – entered into the 2024 comps.

The regional competition is a one-day event that can lead to students competing at state and then national levels against other VET students and apprentices. Students are given time at the beginning of the day to read through plans and recipes, and then have a set period to complete the required task.

Our Carpentry students were asked to build a saw stool, whilst the Cookery students prepared a chicken salad and profiteroles. Their products are then judged by industry specialists against specific criteria.

Winners have the opportunity to then go to the wider regional challenge in Whyalla later this term.

We are incredibly proud of our students and their products, displaying excellent work-ready skills.

~ Ms. Tiff Evans (Student Pathways)

C A R P E N T R Y :

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