Timetable for Stage 1 (Year 11) Exams

Important information for Stage 1 students:

  • exams will be held at the Port Lincoln Hotel from Wednesday Week 7 to Monday Week 8
  • students should arrive at 8:30am and be prepared to enter the exam room at 8:40am
  • students are expected to attend all of their exams
  • students are expected to wear school uniform
  • students will be required to bring their own (school-borrowed) fully charged laptop to electronic exams; students should confirm with their subject teacher if the exam is written or electronic
  • normal timetabled classes will run from recess time onwards on these days; students are only required to attend timetabled lessons from after recess on these days (i.e. school day starts later)
  • there will be no timetabled classes before recess on these days; however, students may access the Supervised Study space at school for study if they choose
  • students with other learning programs in Week 7 (e.g. Cert II Auto) will need to complete their exams on Monday June 17th via negotiation with their teachers